
美國自然療法醫師Certified Naturopathic Physician (ANMCB Cert. 06394)
美國ANMCB認證試港澳區考官ANMCB HK Examiner
美國自然醫學會港澳區代表AMNA-Far East (HK & Macau) Representative
香港自然療法學院院長President of HK Academy of Naturopath
美國自然醫學會專業會員Professional Member of ANMA (USA)
美國自然療法醫師協會準會員Associate Member of AANP (USA)
香港中華自然醫學會秘書Secretary of HK China Naturopathic Medical Society
華夏書院-替代及自然醫學研究院副教授Associate Professor of Wah Har College - Institute of Complementary, Alternative and Naturopathic Medicine
高級執業營養師(中國健康產業委員會)Certified Clinical Dietitian (NHI-PRC)
加拿大OCO 骨療師Osteopath (OCO, Canada)
亞太骨療協會成員Team member of Asia-Pacific Osteopathic Association https://a-poa.com/about-us
加拿大OCO骨療學院教授Faculty member of Osteopathic College of Ontario http://www.o-c-o.ca/faculty_SLChoi.php
塞浦路斯達芬奇整全醫學研究院教授Faculty member of Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine https://www.collegenaturalmedicine.com/teacher/dr-philip-choy/
美國Psych-K 輔導員(首選會員)Psych-K Facilitator (Preferred Affiliate)  https://psych-k.com/membership-account-2/profile/?pu=philip-choy
澳洲Fitgenes 基因檢測認證培訓師Fitgenes Certified Trainer (Australia)
育嬰師Child Care Practitioner (MOLSS, PRC)
自然醫學博士Doctor of Natural Medicine (ACN)
英國生物共振治療師Bioresonance Practitioner (Deta Elis Professional, UK) https://www.deta-elis-uk.com/practitioners/
德國Cell Immun高級幹細胞治療師 Advanced Cell Therapist (Germany - Cell Immun 2018)
麥迪遜再生醫學中心生物科學總監Bio-Science Director of Medisun Regenerative Medical Centre (2017)
澳門馬瀧醫院 - 瑞士再生醫學顧問Advisor of Swiss Rejuvenation – MaloClinic (2014)